Teams Voice In A Box: 2-Wk Proof of Concept


This Proof of Concept engagement engagement meant to offer clients the opportunity to test and evaluate functions within Microsoft Teams Voice as a telephony solution within a client's organization.

Today, now more than ever, maintaining and fostering a collaborative team environment across a dispersed workforce is an immense challenge for organizations of any size. Finding, implementing and adopting a user-friendly solution for communications is no small task.

Microsoft Teams has a goal of uniting workforces like yours with powerful solutions like Teams Voice. Before moving forward with a full deployment, Oakwood’s Teams Voice In a Box allows clients a test drive to help determine if Teams Voice is the right fit and how to properly deploy the solution.

Oakwood’s Teams Voice In-a-Box will allow clients the opportunity to evaluate the functionality and features prior to a full deployment. Our Teams experts will walk you through the process of identifying and addressing your unique requirements of an alternative telephony solution and help navigate the deployment phase.

During this 2-week engagement, Oakwood’s Team will work with your internal stakeholders in evaluating the functionality and features prior to a full deployment.

Our PoC process includes:

Planning Session: Review expectations, goals, scope, and deliverables. Analysis & Configuration: Configure environment and enablement of up to 10 users and configuration of PSTN calling. Findings: Review of the environment and discuss findings of PoC with recommendations for next steps.

The Oakwood Team holds a coveted Advanced Specialization from Microsoft in Adoption and Change Management which demonstrates our extensive experience in delivering outstanding outcomes across the Microsoft 365 toolset.

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