Microsoft 365 Licensing as a Service - 4 Wk - Impl

SPAN d.d.

We provide Microsoft license consultancy, procurement and delivery to help you navigate through compliance regulations and requirements.

Our team of experts conduct a comprehensive Microsoft 365 license review of the organization’s Microsoft software deployments, entitlements, usage, and contracts to help the organization remain compliant. Within 4 weeks we gather information and create roadmap for your licensing future.

Agenda (our approach is divided into phases): ASSES PHASE: • Make an inventory of your Microsoft 365 license deployments and usage • Conduct a complete analysis of your Microsoft 365 license entitlements • Map current situation and existing Microsoft 365 license agreements with organizational requirements • Identify (and explain) best-fit licensing Microsoft 365 options for end user usage and technical requirements PLAN PHASE: • Define plan for future Microsoft 365 licensing procurement DELIVER PHASE: • Create comprehensive report with: o overview of the current state of your Microsoft software environment, including identification of your effective Microsoft 365 license entitlements: license allocations, license usage, license requirements and any license excesses and/or deficiencies which exist. o Gap analysis of current state vs desirable future state (depended on IT strategy and future software and hardware project) o Detailed Microsoft365 licenses plan for future procurement based on business needs and future goals

Benefits: ● Deliver innovation into your company faster ● Drive revenue with new licensing models ● Optimize spend and lower your support costs ● Remove complexity for your end users ● Simplify multiple license usage ● Adapt to modern, multi-device way of work

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