
بواسطة Klaxoon

Microsoft 365 App Award
(208 التقييمات)

By using Klaxoon directly from Microsoft Teams, maximize engagement and boost productivity.

Klaxoon is an all-in-one work collaboration platform that makes business easy.

With 10 powerful visual collaboration tools, Klaxoon is a game-changer that empowers individuals to increase engagement, drive productivity, and shape an innovative workspace. Share ideas on a Board, collect feedback with a Survey, and make decisions collectively. Increase engagement using Vote, Questions and Quiz, all in one single collaborative space, whether you're a Klaxoon user or a Microsoft Teams meeting participant.

With Klaxoon for Microsoft Teams get access to Klaxoon directly from your Microsoft Teams workspace:

- Launch, create and share your Klaxoon activities during your Microsoft Teams Meetings

- Embed a Klaxoon activity as a Teams tab in any chat or channel to work asynchronously with your teams.

- Easily prepare for your meetings by sharing your Klaxoon activities in advance in your Microsoft Teams Calendar invitations.

- Find and share Klaxoon activities and templates from your Teams conversations and Outlook

- Add Klaxoon's personal app in Teams, Outlook and Microsoft 365 web and desktop apps to access all of Klaxoon directly in your everyday Microsoft tools.

Step into a world of seamless collaboration and skyrocket your productivity with Klaxoon. Trusted by leading organizations worldwide. Join the movement and revolutionize how you work!

In order to use this app. Users must have an active Klaxoon account, please contact our support team for more details.

إمكانات التطبيق

عندما يتم استخدام هذا التطبيق، فإنه
  • يمكنها إرسال البيانات عبر الإنترنت
  • يمكن لهذا التطبيق الوصول إلى المعلومات الشخصية في الرسالة النشطة، مثل أرقام الهاتف أو عناوين البريد أو عناوين URL. ويمكن لهذا التطبيق إرسال هذه البيانات إلى خدمة جهة خارجية. ولن يصبح من الممكن قراءة أو تعديل العناصر الأخرى في صندوق بريدك.

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