Netcraft Mail Reporter

بواسطة Netcraft

(1 التقييمات)

Fast and easy way of reporting suspicious emails to Netcraft.

Email still remains a popular choice for attackers to distribute malicious content targeting businesses or the general public. Netcraft Mail Reporter allows you to quickly report suspicious emails directly from your mailbox and receive the results of our analysis, making it a useful tool to aid phishing awareness.

When the user clicks on the report button, the email is submitted to Netcraft for analysis and moved away from their inbox.

We look for a wide range of security threats such as phishing sites, brand impersonation, malicious attachments and malicious activity on web pages such as credit card skimmers or unauthorised cryptocurrency miners.

Links that are successfully identified as phishing will be flagged as dangerous in major web browsers and antivirus software, protecting billions of internet users worldwide.

Keep updated on your submission(s) through Netcraft’s report interface. Hit our threshold for confirmed reports and you may be eligible for prizes! .

If you are a business and want to integrate our report button for your employees, feel free to get in contact with us. The business edition of the add-in provides detailed analytics on internal reports helping you determine staff awareness and where your business is most targeted.

About Netcraft: Netcraft provides Internet security services including anti-fraud and anti-phishing services, application testing and PCI scanning. Netcraft is based in Bath, United Kingdom, and has been a registered company in England and Wales since 1987 (company number 02161164).

إمكانات التطبيق

عندما يتم استخدام هذا التطبيق، فإنه
  • يمكنها إرسال البيانات عبر الإنترنت
  • يمكن لهذا التطبيق قراءة أو تعديل محتويات أي عنصر في صندوق بريدك وإنشاء عناصر جديدة. كما يمكنه الوصول إلى معلومات شخصية -- مثل النص أو الموضوع أو المرسل أو المستلمين أو المرفقات -- في أي رسالة أو عنصر تقويم. ويمكن للتطبيق إرسال هذه البيانات إلى خدمة جهة خارجية.

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