Pigeonhole Live - Interactive Q&A and Polls

بواسطة PigeonLab Pte Ltd

(2 التقييمات)

Engage your audience with Q&As and Polls and view their responses real-time in beautiful charts.

Pigeonhole Live makes it easy to bring live interactivity and engagement to your presentations. Crowdsource questions or run real-time polls and surveys with your audience members. Gather insightful data about your audience and drive meaningful, open conversations at your events, town halls, lectures and meetings.

Join thousands of other events and talks around the world that already use Pigeonhole Live. Start free, with support for 1000 audience members and upgrade to paid plans when you need filtering support and more.

With this optional PowerPoint Add-In, easily integrate our Projector Panel interface into your PowerPoint slides. Everything else works the same as our standalone Projector Panel.

You will need a Dashboard account when using this add-in. Sign up for a free account at

For more information, visit

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  • يمكنها قراءة مستندك وإجراء تغييرات عليه
  • يمكنها إرسال البيانات عبر الإنترنت

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