
بواسطة Apprentx

(82 التقييمات)

B12 combines knowledge reinforcement and practice to maximize impact.

The platform that accelerates the retention of new knowledge

Following any learning activity, B12 maximizes knowledge retention and employee performance. Much like going to the gym, repetitions and practice makes perfect.

A training program much like the gym

- Following training, B12 offers a reinforcement program spanning 2-3 months, with activities done 1-3 times per week and that last 5-10 minutes each.

- Use B12’s artificial intelligence to customize programs according to individual strengths and weaknesses.

- Reinforcement, continuous practice, and habit tracking improve adoption of new technology by reducing errors, oversights, and hesitations.

Measure and correct deviations

- Similar to a fitness program, measuring performance indicators and key behaviours allows for properly focused efforts that lead to continuous improvement.

- Consult the dashboard to follow in real time the results of a department, team, or individual.

- Use specific performance indicators to target weaknesses and plan remediation activities.

B12 increases your return on investment

Integrated into Microsoft Teams

With B12, an important part of training takes place within the workflow. B12 is integrated with Teams for seamless use by employees and managers and for maximized engagement.

Accurately measure performance and precision

The B12 dashboard confirms that employees have mastered new tasks before performing them on the job. This allows for quicker achievement of full performance!

Keep up with updates and deployments

B12 reduces design time by 15 to 30 % when deploying new activities. Adjustments and updates are done in a few clicks and allow you to track the evolution of your transformation in real time.

To get started, contact us at

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  • يمكنها إرسال البيانات عبر الإنترنت
  • يمكن لهذا التطبيق الوصول إلى المعلومات الشخصية في الرسالة النشطة، مثل أرقام الهاتف أو عناوين البريد أو عناوين URL. ويمكن لهذا التطبيق إرسال هذه البيانات إلى خدمة جهة خارجية. ولن يصبح من الممكن قراءة أو تعديل العناصر الأخرى في صندوق بريدك.

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