Engage by Proteus

بواسطة Proteus Engage

Communicate and collaborate with prospects, customers and partners to build relationships

Enablement for B2B Connected Experiences and Collaboration

Workspace experiences for complex sales, on-boarding, account growth, customer success, outreach, channel relationships...

B2B sales, on-boarding, account teams and more struggle with actively engaging throughout the potential customer experience

lifecycle. Customers are more independent and knowledgeable than ever; they demand a more centralized, empowered, and

personalized experience. Therefore, a successful b2b relationship requires the right enablement and collaboration for success.

Requires a licensed user account for Engage by Proteus. Please contact us via or

schedule a meeting with us at to get started.

Engage by Proteus integrated with Microsoft Teams was designed for external partner experiences via:

  • Secure and centralized Workspace environments
  • Consistent message delivery to the targeted buyer/customers
  • Workflows to drive engagement and collaboration
  • Proven B2B Modules for marketing, engagement, and collaboration
  • Common B2B Connected Experiences

    • Complex sales processes
    • Seamless On-boarding of new clients and projects
    • Repeatable Client Success activities to drive satisfaction and revenue
    • Partner and channel outreach
    • More...

With the integration, Microsoft Teams users can:

  • Two-way Direct Message people in their Engage by Proteus Workspaces via Microsoft Teams
  • Two-way group message people in their Engage by Proteus workspaces via Microsoft Teams
  • Two-way Commenting on shared modules in Workspaces via Microsoft Teams
  • Get real-time Workspace alerts and activity to your Microsoft Teams
  • And much more...

إمكانات التطبيق

عندما يتم استخدام هذا التطبيق، فإنه
  • يمكنها إرسال البيانات عبر الإنترنت
  • يمكن لهذا التطبيق الوصول إلى المعلومات الشخصية في الرسالة النشطة، مثل أرقام الهاتف أو عناوين البريد أو عناوين URL. ويمكن لهذا التطبيق إرسال هذه البيانات إلى خدمة جهة خارجية. ولن يصبح من الممكن قراءة أو تعديل العناصر الأخرى في صندوق بريدك.

لمحة سريعة