Share Work Jr

بواسطة TagInbox Corporation

Share email-followup-work with coworkers.

Share Work Jr helps you coordinate timely responses with your coworkers by assigning emails to yourself and coworkers

Coordinating Email Responses is Inefficient Today

When multiple coworkers are copied on an email, there is overhead, often duplicated, in figuring out:

  • Who will reply to the email and followup?
  • Did they reply? Is that issue closed?
  • Did an important email go unanswered?

The root problems causing those issues are that:

  • Email is designed for individuals, not workgroups
  • Email overload is rampant

How This Add-in Helps

Share Work Jr lets users tag each email with to-dos:

Which are automatically shared with coworkers:

  • Who are copied on that email
  • Coworkers are users on the same email domain

This can keep coworkers on the same page and avoid duplicate work. They can share email triaging work and track closure, making coordinating the email responses easier.

Benefits include: productivity, efficiency, transparency, accountability, focus, prioritization, team load-balancing, collaboration, shared triaging, and closure tracking.

All users of this add-in get the free Starter plan. Starter plan does not require any payment, nor does it require any credit card details.

Starter plan provides 3,000 new tags (comments or to-dos) per user per month.

Please visit our Terms and Privacy Policy for additional details.

إمكانات التطبيق

عندما يتم استخدام هذا التطبيق، فإنه
  • يمكنها إرسال البيانات عبر الإنترنت
  • يمكن لهذا التطبيق قراءة أو تعديل محتويات أي عنصر في صندوق بريدك وإنشاء عناصر جديدة. كما يمكنه الوصول إلى معلومات شخصية -- مثل النص أو الموضوع أو المرسل أو المستلمين أو المرفقات -- في أي رسالة أو عنصر تقويم. ويمكن للتطبيق إرسال هذه البيانات إلى خدمة جهة خارجية.

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