Find yourself the best partner to use the Power Platform business applications to their full potential. Find out how to modernize your business processes and generate business value for your company!

DANSLENUAGE.QUEBEC transforms companies with cloud technologies to make their IT infrastructures safer, while also increasing their productivity with Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement applications, Power Automate, Power BI data analysis, Dynamics 365 Marketing marketing automation, and business process technologies.

Our fully bilingual team based in Quebec can provide support and training to users in French and in English, thus providing you with comprehensive and accessible support across Canada.

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement is one of the most flexible, robust, scalable platforms for business applications on the market, but it’s a real challenge to use it to its full potential without resources who have the knowledge and know-how to work with these tools! DANSLENUAGE.QUEBEC provides the expertise you may lack, as well as training to make you autonomous in maintaining and growing your apps at the same rhythm as your business. With Power Platform tools and Dynamics 365 apps, you can get a suite of business apps truly tailored to your needs, so you can grow and care for your customer base and leave the technology issues of the past behind.

Purpose This 2-hour free consultation aims to examine a current business process with the help of one of our business apps specialists to figure out how Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement applications can help you better reach your business goals.

Outcome • Discuss your current business processes and pain points regarding their current orchestration. • Discuss the potential strategies to address pain points and improve business processes. • Discuss your current business goals and strategic roadmap. • Suggest potential solutions leveraging Power Apps, Power Platform, and Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement apps.

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