CRM Core Team Prep: 4-Hr Workshop

Alithya Fullscope Solutions, Inc.

A workshop to prepare your core team for an upcoming CRM initiative on Microsoft Dynamics 365, arming them with best practices and a plan.

Help your core team get prepared for an upcoming Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM initiative.

When CRM is initiated, many companies assemble a team of Subject-Matter Experts (SMEs) representing various parts of the business who they charge with becoming power users. In high-performing organizations, this core team of SMEs is an ongoing construct.

When the core team understands best practices, they will have a strong plan going into a CRM initiative. Fullscope, an Alithya company has seen a dramatic increase in the level of customer success when this methodology was introduced.


  • Combination of sessions including online training and homework
  • Two (2) one-on-one 90-minute review sessions

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