Microsoft 365 Security: 4-hour Assessment


The Microsoft 365 Security Assessment provides an in-depth assessment of your organization's security environment, guidance on overlapping tools, and a roadmap to remediation.

Clients are looking for ways to evaluate their current security posture. Migrating to Microsoft 365 is a great step toward modern workforce enablement, but IT can become overwhelmed by the many options and settings. Clients often…

  • Configure Microsoft 365 to “work” but fail to make continuous improvements
  • Are unaware that their sensitive data is not being stored securely
  • Are already compromised
  • Leak sensitive information due to poor business processes
  • Believe they have solved issues when, in fact, problems in their environment still exist

That’s where Quisitive's Spyglass comes in. A security expert inspects your tools, enables security features you may not realize you already own, and identifies those you should be using—providing you with a new, meaningful view of your security landscape. Through security coaching, Spyglass creates intelligent views of activity in your environment, up to the last 90 days, with easy-to-understand insights into potential issues.

The Spyglass Microsoft 365 Security Assessment provides you with guidance on the Microsoft features and tools that help improve your security posture. The assessment itself takes just a few short days and requires only a 4-hour commitment on your part.

  1. Discovery Phase: Enablement of select Microsoft 365 tools
  2. In-Person Briefing: A comprehensive review of your current security status, including any risky activities detected
  3. Microsoft 365 Security Roadmap: Recommendations along with timeline to help you prioritize actions to be taken
  4. Security Assessment Findings Document: A full report outlining the findings and relevance in easy-to-understand language and recommendation


  • Compromised accounts
  • Previously unknown attacks
  • Impersonated employees
  • Configuration gaps that put the client at risk
  • Sensitive data being mishandled
  • Secure score of below 50

Formally a Catapult Systems offer.

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