Field Service: 3-Week Proof of Concept

Rand Group, LLC

3-week pilot using the Microsoft Catalyst methodology to help visualize how Dynamics 365 can help transform your field service operations

Dynamics 365 Field Service Pilot Tailored to Your Business

This personalized pilot of Field Service begins with discovery of your current field service processes and challenges, focusing on understanding your unique business challenges and needs. Next, we will create a personalized pilot environment including data, transactions, and processes relevant to your business. We will then run a live pilot simulation to demonstrate to key stakeholders how Field Service can help reduce maintenance costs, minimize downtime, and ensure first-time fix.

This pilot utilizes Microsoft Catalyst methodology, which is a proven, innovative approach to envisioning and planning business transformation based on design led thinking concepts to enable the digital transformation of your organization.

Upon completion of this pilot, receive a $19,000 credit to apply to a Dynamics 365 Field Service implementation!

Agenda for 3-week pilot:

Week 1

  • Discovery of current processes and challenges and understanding of unique business requirements

Week 2

  • Creation of a personalized pilot environment including data, transactions, and processes specific to your business

Week 3

  • Live pilot simulation of Dynamics 365 Field Service to demonstrate how we can help you mitigate your current business challenges


  • Summary of current challenges and business case
  • Personalized pilot environment
  • Next steps, including high level estimate for Dynamics 365 Field Service implementation
  • Free 30 day trial

Transform your business. Contact Rand Group today to schedule a meeting.

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