от U.S. Transactions Corp.

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Credit card processing for Business Central with freedom to choose from 120+ processors

Your Freedom to Choose Matters

USTPay gives Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central users more options. Our solution is the only one that gives you the freedom to choose from over 120+ payment gateways and processors. Our integration is already built into D365/BC and tokenizes credit card data to store within D365/BC to keep your organization secure. This PCI Compliant solution helps you to save up to 30% in processing fees immediately.


  • Pre-Integrated Solution
  • Lower Fees
  • Collect Payment Faster
  • Reduced PCI Compliance Scope
  • Ability to use Multiple Gateways or Processors (120+)
  • Personalized, caring service


  • Easy Set Up
  • Customized Dashboard
  • Hosted Payment Page & Card Verification
  • Authorization Only
  • Collect Partial Payment
  • Taking Customer Payment on Outstanding Invoice and/or Account Balance
  • Collect Customer Deposit
  • Customer Wallets using Tokenized Data
  • Level-3 Data Processing
  • Refunds / Partial Refunds / Voids (Same Day)
  • Batch Deposit Reconciliation Tool

Gateways and Processors, partial list only (Freedom to Choose)

  • Adyen
  • Bambora
  • BluePay
  • BlueSnap
  • Barintree
  • CardConnect
  • CommerceHub
  • CyberSource
  • ePay
  • First Data
  • Fiserv Rapidconnect
  • Heartland Payment Systems
  • MasterCard Payment Gateway Service
  • MercadoPago
  • Merchant e-Solutions
  • Mercury
  • Moneris
  • NCR Secure Pay
  • NMI
  • Nuvei (formerly SafeCharge)
  • Orbital (Chae Paymentech)
  • Payeezy
  • Payflow Pro
  • PayJunctions
  • PayPal
  • PayTrace
  • Priority Payment Systems (MXMerchant)
  • Quickbooks
  • Sage Payment Solutions
  • SagePay
  • SecureNet
  • SecurePay Australia
  • Shift4
  • Stripe
  • TransFirst
  • TrustCommerce
  • USA ePay
  • Vantiv
  • Windcave
  • Worldpay

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