EE GiroCode

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Adding a QR Code to sales invoices for making the SEPA payment for customers more comfortable

Do you want to offer your customers a way to pay your invoices quickly (Scan & Pay)?

Do you want to reduce errors with customer payments by means of automatic data entry?

Do you want to simplify the application of incoming payments?

The assignment of customer payments as well as the reminder process, due to missing payments, waste time and resources.

Get rid of long investigation of not assignable or not received incoming payments.

The GiroCode extension enables you to integrate the standardised QR Code of the EPC (European Payments Council) on the sales invoice, which ensures a digital transfer of the account holder information, amount and references.

The EPC QR Code contains all data, which is needed for the SEPA-Cash-Transfer within the Euro Payments Area (€).

Due to the flexible configuration you can set up the integration of the QR Code depending on different bank accounts and payment methods.

This extension helps to minimise the manual work based on incomplete data and typing errors of customer payments.

Your customers also benefit from a simple and fast payment process.

This will lead to a win-win-situation for you and your customers.

Features of using this app

  • No manual effort for customers to enter data for initiating payments
  • Error-free and complete data transfer of customer payments
  • Time saving due to more efficient assignment of incoming payments

The payment results through scanning the QR Code on a mobile device with an banking-app, which supports this functionality (SEPA Scan & Pay).

The transfer data will then be handled by the bank and the money transfer form will be filled in automatically. This could be checked and adjusted if necessary.

The used EPC QR Code works only for the currency Euro (€).

The extension is based on the framework for Payment Services, which is provided by Microsoft, similar to the PayPal-Integration from Microsoft. To ensure the display of the QR Code on the sales invoice, the parts which belong to the Payment Services must exist in the layout.

Supported editions

This app supports the Essential and Premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries

Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Netherlands

Supported languages

The app is available in German (Austria), German (Germany) and English (US).

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