Q for Success - quick access to academic resources
от 11trees LLC
Guided and streamlined access to the best academic resources with a focus on research and writing.
Q for Success streamlines access to research databases and online writing help. The free version, available to all, highlights Google Scholar, iSeek, and ScienceResearch.com. Q can be customized for your institution to offer single sign-on via Canvas, to integrate library research, tutoring, library chat, writing center, and other crucial academic resources. Just contact us (11trees.com) to learn more.
Q also offers modules to help students become better academic writers, demystifying processes like integrating quotes and coming up with original arguments.
Q for Success is a Word Add-in that helps students become confident academic writers.
Customized for your institution, Q:
- Brings your library research resources inside Microsoft Word, so students can search while they are creating.
- Streamlines access to crucial academic resources like tutoring, writing center and similar.
- Demystifies and simplifies library research and helps students transition from Google search.
- Centralizes research and writing help and puts it in front of students in their chosen work environment (Word) .
- Teaches students how to integrate quotes into their writing and avoid plagiarism.
- Helps students develop and refine thesis statements.
Q simplifies access to research resources and other solutions that your students use all the time. Q also includes modules to help students master academic writing and other tasks.
Users that are not affiliated with a client institution can still use Q for Success to gain access to widely accepted, credible research resources.
Whether directly searching library resources, research databases, online directories, or similar, Q will help the people important to you ask better questions. And good questions lead to wisdom.
Възможности на приложението
- Може да чете или извършва промени във вашите документи
- Може да изпраща данни през интернет