Report Message

от Microsoft Corporation

(214 оценки)

Report phish, junk and not junk e-mails based on the configuration of your user submission policy.

The Report Message add-in works with Outlook 2016 to allow you to report suspicious messages as well as manage how your Office 365 email account treats these messages.

Messages that your Office 365 email account marks as junk or malicious are automatically moved to your Junk or quarantine Email folder. However, spammers and phishing attempts are continually evolving. If you receive a junk email in your inbox, you can use the Report Message add-in to send the message to your security administrator or Microsoft (depending on how your enterprise has set up the user submission policy) to help us improve our filters. If you find an email in your inbox that is phish, you can use the Report Message add-in to mark it as Phish, move the message to the deleted folder, and send the message to your security administrator or Microsoft (depending on how on how your enterprise has set up the user submission policy) to help us improve our filters. If you find an email in your Junk Email folder that's not junk, you can use the Report Message add-in to mark it as a legitimate email, move the message to your Inbox, and send the message to your security administrator or Microsoft (depending on how on how your enterprise has set up the user submission policy) to help us improve our filters.

You need an active and licenses Office 365 mailbox to use this add-in.

Възможности на приложението

Когато това приложение се използва, то
  • Може да изпраща данни през интернет
  • Това приложение може да чете или променя съдържанието на всеки елемент във вашата пощенска кутия и да създава нови елементи. Тя може да осъществи достъп до лични данни – например основния текст, темата, подателя, получателите и прикачените файлове – във всяко съобщение или елемент от календара. То може да изпрати тези данни на услуга на друг разработчик.

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