MyHub for AOS-UG

от AvePoint, inc.

Microsoft 365 Certified

Easily manage and organize Microsoft Teams, Groups, SharePoint, and Yammer (for AOS-UG)

Meet MyHub for AOS-UG, a convenient one-stop-shop for managing existing Microsoft 365 workspaces and creating new ones—all from Microsoft Teams!

MyHub for AOS-UG makes it easy to organize, understand, and access all your Microsoft workspaces by helping you:

  • Create workspace hubs based on different criteria, such as purpose or topic
  • Classify Teams, Groups, SharePoint sites, and Yammer communities with customized tags
  • Manage membership of Teams and Groups
  • Easily access content, tasks, and more associated with each workspace
  • Receive notifications from the bot after creating new workspaces

Customers of AvePoint’s Confidence Platform can also perform provisioning, recertification, and lifecycle tasks right from MyHub for AOS-UG in Teams.

New to MyHub for AOS-UG? Sign up for free

Additional Resources

Product user guide

Reach out to AvePoint Support for additional help

MyHub for AOS-UG has been created specifically for use by customers of AvePoint’s FedRAMP (Moderate) Authorized cloud (AOS-UG). If you are leveraging AvePoint's Commercial cloud (AOS), please use the MyHub application. If you are leveraging AvePoint’s US sovereign cloud (AOS-US), please use the MyHub for AOS-US application for full compatibility.

Възможности на приложението

Когато това приложение се използва, то
  • Може да изпраща данни през интернет
  • Това приложение може да осъществява достъп до лични данни в активното съобщение, като например телефонни номера, пощенски адреси или URL адреси. Приложението може да изпрати тези данни на услуга на друг разработчик. Не могат да бъдат четени или променяни други елементи в пощенската ви кутия.

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