от InSync

(116 оценки)

Intelligent Business Process Automation & Integration Platform

Send notifications and messaging from APPSeCONNECT Portal directly to your organization Teams based on the ProcessFlow you have created. Notifications can be integrations, data sync, triggered messaging, etc. Seamlessly manage your integration journey and receive all updates on the go!


- Send an action-based notifications, either as adaptive cards or plain text.

- Send an notifications on any public channel on Microsoft Teams channels or any specific active user.

**Use Case**

- Receive updates from APPSeCONNECT ProcessFlow for Real-time or scheduled integrations, as configured by you (new customers, new orders, revenue details, etc.)

**Pre-requisites for APPSeCONNECT App**

- To enable notifications, you must have an APPSeCONNECT account with a valid subscription.

- You need to have an authorization from your organization administrator to use APPSeCONNECT the app in your organization’s Microsoft Teams.

**Relevant Permissions**

- The app will not access any internal message-related information or data, It will only access the group information like group name, group ID, available public channels of the group, etc. .

**Useful Links :**

[How to get an account](

[Help and Support](

[How to get started](

Възможности на приложението

Когато това приложение се използва, то
  • Може да изпраща данни през интернет
  • Това приложение може да осъществява достъп до лични данни в активното съобщение, като например телефонни номера, пощенски адреси или URL адреси. Приложението може да изпрати тези данни на услуга на друг разработчик. Не могат да бъдат четени или променяни други елементи в пощенската ви кутия.

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