OutKept Phishing Reporter

от Outkept

(2 оценки)

Report suspicious emails to OutKept. Non-simulations will be forwarded to your IT-administrator.

With the new OutKept add-in attentive employees now also have the opportunity to report potential phishing mails!

Both OutKept simulation mails and real phishing mails can be reported by a click of a button. Ideally before people click on them! This way you can track who is alert and already recognizes phishing mails, a positive sign.

OutKept Mail

If the mail reported is an OutKept mail, the sender will immediately receive a reply mail congratulating them for noticing and reporting correctly. In the online dashboard, you will also be able to see who has correctly reported OutKept mails.

No OutKept Mail

If the mail reported is not an OutKept mail, the mail is automatically forwarded to an email address chosen by the IT-administrator. This way, you will be aware of any real phishing attempts, and you will be able to inform your organisation.

You need an active license with OutKept to use this add-in. Questions regarding setting the forwarding email address and more? Contact us.

Възможности на приложението

Когато това приложение се използва, то
  • Може да изпраща данни през интернет
  • Това приложение може да осъществява достъп до и да променя лични данни в активното съобщение, като например основния текст, темата, подателя, получателите и информацията в прикачените файлове. То може да изпрати тези данни на услуга на друг разработчик. Не могат да бъдат четени или променяни други елементи в пощенската ви кутия.

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