Barcodes Creator API, Barcodentum


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Creates usually barcodes pictures as base64 encoded string, based on input text as JSON string.

Barcodes Creator API - Barcodentum, (also known as barcode generator API) is a cross browsers REST API which get a JSON input with the text to be encoded, as Barcodentum automatically recognizes the type of barcode to be created among may types like: EAN-13, JAN-13, UPC-A, ISBN, ISSN, Code 128-A, Code 128-B, Code 128-C and returns a JSON output string which contains the picture of the created barcode as base64 encoded string, also a text field which gives some info about the type of the created or generated barcode. We have also a QR Code Generator API which may be found here: Click Here!!

Allthough this Barcodes Creator API or Barcodes Geneartor API is intended for software development and therefore developers, we have also here an online application that may be used to get the picture of the barcode as base64 encoded string. The necessary steps are written below, basically for getting the barcode you send an authorized POST request in JSON format to the API endpoint and you get as JSON response a representing the base 64 encoded picture of the barcode and the type of the generated barcode. You own the commercial copyright of the resulted JSON recipe with no additional fee meaning you may use it in your own apps.

Barcodes Creator API is useful for a large number of domains like: e-commerce, restaurants, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, etc.

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