Thanxie - Next Generation Reward and Recognition Application

от SabancıDx

Make your company values to be easily adopted and become widespread

Next Generation Reward and Recognition Application Thanxie offers an unique environment to eliminate physical distances with its aim to spread company culture, support exemplary behaviors and appreciate success. While remote working models are becoming widespread, Thanxie makes significant contributions for companies to strengthen internal communication, increase employee motivation and spread corporate values.

Thanxie has a gamification – based structure that enables employees to get to know and recognize each other. With its funny features like Champions League and Thanxie Forest, Thanxie allows companies to create different reward programs and turn it into corporate social responsibility projects.

Thanxie creates a happy work environment by

  • Enhancing internal communication
  • Keeping company culture alive
  • Increasing employee commitment

Click here to request a demo of Reward and Recognition Application Thanxie.

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