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Smart Buildings by ICONICSICONICSOperate your facilities at peak efficiency and maximum comfort
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1 out of 18
Cloud Sensor for AzureCorelight Inc.Transform cloud traffic into evidence to stay ahead of ever-changing attacks.
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2 out of 18
NextbittNextBITTeam SA
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3 out of 18
Avanade Workplace Optimization Powered by MetrikusAvanade, Inc.It’s time to do what matters: optimize your workplace for hybrid work & create efficient buildings.
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4 out of 18
BlockClusterBYZANTINE TECHNOLOGIES CORPBlockCluster is a blockchain management system that let's you build private DApp
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5 out of 18
Smart SurveillanceConcept Realization And IT Solutions P LtdArtificial Intelligence Transforming Surveillance.
Applicable to:
6 out of 18
DigiCert SSL/TLS Certificates ListingDigicertDigiCert High-Assurance SSL/TLS Certificates and Management
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7 out of 18
SenseR Video Analytics SolutionIntegration Xperts SenseR - Video Analytics Solution
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8 out of 18
inter-ATM/OptimizerINTERTECH BILGI ISLEM VE PAZ. TIC. A.S.Enhances ATM Service Quality with Efficiency
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9 out of 18
xtractXtract360Driving speed and accuracy in claims assessment
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10 out of 18
Relogix Workspace Analytics PlatformRelogixRelogix Workspace Analytics Platform & Sensors - We are your workspace utilization experts
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11 out of 18
Smart Building IoT IntegrationSigtree TechnologiesSmart IoT Platform focused on automation and trigger management
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12 out of 18
Smart Auto Crash DetectionInssue Technologies Sp. z o.o.Plug and Go Premium Safety System that remotely and independently watches over each insured vehicle.
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13 out of 18
FWI Connected WorkplaceFour Winds Interactive LLCAn enterprise platform for resource management and space optimization backed by data analytics.
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14 out of 18
SAS Flood Prediction and PreparednessSAS Institute Inc.SAS' software and consulting solution helps you predict, prepare, and respond to flooding incidents.
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15 out of 18
Inssue Technologies FisenseInssue Technologies Sp. z o.o.Independent Industry 4.0 system that remotely and independently watches over maintenance processes.
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16 out of 18
Connected Cars A/SConnected Cars A/SThe digital aftermarket tool for car dealerships
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17 out of 18
BitBrewBitbrew, Inc.Edge to AI Connected Vehicle Platform
Applicable to:
18 out of 18