Ready for Microsoft Teams Calling: 2-Day Assessment

Apex Digital Solutions

Understand and experience the vision for Microsoft Teams Calling.

Prepare your people to get the most out of Microsoft Teams Calling.

Ready for Microsoft Teams Calling provides you with an immersive experience with Microsoft Teams Calling, helping to identify the business priorities and scenarios to drive modern meeting transformation.


Environment Assessment

  • Review and assess your current business phone capabilities
  • Assessment of current business practices and license plan

Modernize Communications Workshop

  • Receive a customer immersion experience
  • Showcase of modern cloud PBX experiences powered by Microsoft Teams

Next Step Planning

  • Identify use case scenarios and receive actionable recommendations to accelerate and enable Teams Caling implementation and adoption


  • Alignment across business and technical stakeholders on the vision, needs, and success criteria
  • Understanding of environment, site, and network preparedness required to execute the vision
  • Roadmap for deployment and adoption of Microsoft Teams Calling

###About Apex Since 1999, the purpose at Apex Digital Solutions has been to Empower people to make a positive difference in the lives of others. One of the many ways our team achieves this each day is through transformational experiences and solutions to become more secure, productive, and engaged.

Our team of experts are certified in Microsoft platform and cloud solutions including Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, Windows 10, and Azure.

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