Backoffice Financial Services: 5-hr Workshop

Axxon Consulting S.A

The Financial Services industry usually has a precarious and technologically distant Administrative Backoffice, compared to its Core Business systems but not less important.

5-Hour Workshop | Backoffice Financial Services: Technological support for the management of requisitions until Payment to the Supplier.

    1. Active Budgetary Control in Expense and Investment management
    2. Investment Project Management
    3. Management of Contracts with Suppliers
    4. Supply Inventory Management throughout a chain of branches.

  • Product: Backoffice Financial Services.
  • Services, Results & Deliverables: Analyze customer business and define an Innovation Strategy.
  • Price: Variable according to the scope of the project.
  • We connect the Dreams of our clients with the implementation of innovative technologies to empower people and their business processes by promoting the Digital Evolution of organizations.

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