Cloud Workplace: 8-Months Implementation

Rapid Circle

The implementation of a cloud workplace gives an organization the opportunity to offer employees a workplace that can be used independently of place and time and with the most modern Microsoft tools.

Traditional workplaces are based on established and boarded-up workplace concepts, with a centrally organized control and security. Users have little freedom and ownership and due to slow update cycles, the workplace is sometimes 2-3 years behind schedule and often only one or a few types of devices are supported.

Nowadays employees expect more freedom and possibilities. Apart from complaints regarding slow environments and limitations of using audio and video, developing such a workplace and keeping these up to date is labour-intensive. Ultimately introducing safety risks and reducing user satisfaction.

Times have changed. Where traditional workplaces gave organizations control, cloud managed workplaces have now overtaken. With Intune and all advanced cloud features and analytics, Microsoft 365 offers the most comprehensive management and security capabilities.

Based on more than 200 migrations to Microsoft cloud, Rapid Circle has the perfect configuration ready to implement and manage within your organization and IT landscape.

The implementation of the Cloud Workplace is being done in a period of approximately 8 months. During the implementation we go through a number of project phases, the following provides an overview:

- Start up phase
- Assessments (including tenant, identity, current workplace, exchange, azure, etc.)
- Workshops to come to a roadmap(focused on workplace, Teams, modern work, security, Azure and roadmapping)
- Implementation of the Cloud Workplace (including tenant set up and fundamentals, Shared and personal workplace, Android / iOS, Office upgrade, printing, testing, groups, etc.)
- Security (focused on devices: MDM, apps: MAM, data: AIP / DLP, threats and identity: MFA, etc.)
- Adoption and collaboration

During these phases all types of activities are taking place, processes are being organized and services are being implemented.

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