PowerApps:8hr Workshop-Managed Service

TechnomaX Systems DWC LLC

A free 8-hour workshop to show the value of PowerApps. TechnomaX covers during this session a quick demo app creation as needed by your organization.

This session is divided into 3 blocks Phase 1 – 2hrs Introduction – Know about the capabilities of Power apps. This shall cover • Introduction to PowerApps • PowerApps Lab • Introduction to Data verse & the new on-to date updates in Power apps Phase 2 – 2hrs Assessment – Assess the client’s requirement and how Power app can fulfill the need. This shall cover • 60 mins – Assessment and understanding discussion • 60 mins – Scenario buildup and approaches Phase 3 – 4hrs – Build an app – Identify one demo scenario and show case how it can be addressed using PowerApps. • Choose one test case scenario for the quick development. • Showcase the development on PowerApps with limited functionalities. • Assess the capabilities and value of PowerApps to drive your digital business process transformation. Prerequisite: • Identify the user case during the assessment exercise. • Prepare a quick high-level architecture for the Mobile PowerApps during the assessment discussion.

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