Journal Controls
Autor: Amerdian LLC
Establish Maker - Checker control in Journals by assigning specific permissions to users.
The Journal Controls app is an extension to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central that facilitate to implement "Maker & Checker" concept to the accounting journal entries.
Managing expenses and payments is a daunting task for any accounting team if you are working in a big organization. Most financial transactions are posted to the general ledger through assigned business papers, such as purchase invoices and sales orders.
In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central the role of a journal line is to shortly handle transaction data until the transaction is posted. Before posting, the entries are in a draft state, which implies that they are open for corrections and/or deletion. As soon as the entries are posted, they are converted to ledger entries.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Journal Controls App simplifies the permissions for Users to enter Journal entries and post these accounting journal entries. We can also set the authorization for the user to post or to create.
- Create, modify and delete the general entries.
- Set permission to a user to create or to post or both.
- Works seamlessly with accounting journal.
- Can assign authority to the user for various organizations.
- Control over who can create or post the general entries.
- Helps in limiting inputs of wrong information.
- User has the advantage of modifying the entries before post.
- It provides security to protect the sensitive data of the organization.
Try the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Journal Controls app to be informed and maintain the privacy of your accounts. Manage the expense and payments just by setting permission to the users and stay clear on the account parts.
Supported Editions:
This app supports the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Supported Countries:
United States