Currency Exchange BH
Autor: Logosoft BH
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Efficient Currency Rate Management for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jednostavno preuzimanje i ažuriranje kursnih lista
Currency Exchange CBBH aplikacija od Logosoft BH
Aplikacija "Currency Exchange CBBH" omogućava vam jednostavno ažuriranje kursnih lista u Business Centralu na određeni datum koristeći najnovije informacije sa stranice Centralne banke Bosne i Hercegovine.
Ključne karakteristike:
- Prilagođena isključivo za bosansko tržište
- Podržava obje vrste licenci, Essential i Premium
- Besplatna i jednostavna aplikacija za korištenje - ažurirajte kursne liste u samo dva klika
Get and Update Currency Exchange Rates Effortlessly
Currency Exchange CBBH App by Logosoft BH
The "Currency Exchange CBBH" application allows you to seamlessly update currency exchange rates in Business Central, on a specific date, using the latest information from the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Key Features:
- Tailored specifically for the Bosnian market
- Supports both Essential and Premium licenses
- User-friendly interface - update currency exchange rates in just two clicks
Rychlý přehled
Ostatní aplikace z Logosoft BH
Logosoft BA LocalizationLogosoft BHBosnia and Herzegovina localization for Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
NaN out of 4
PayrollsLogosoft BHHR & Payroll Bosnia and Herzegovina
Applicable to:
Business Central
NaN out of 4
CompensationsLogosoft BHOptimize vendor and customer transactions Bosnia.
Applicable to:
Business Central
NaN out of 4
Sales Installments AppLogosoft BHFlexible payment options for sales products through easy installments
Applicable to:
Business Central
NaN out of 4