
Autor: Microsoft

Sustainability and ESG tracking and reporting solution for SMBs

Dynamics 365 Business Central offers a sustainability management feature that helps you monitor and manage your organization's and its effect on the environment. This feature is designed to oversee and regulate an organization's environmental footprint by tracking various greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this way, it facilitates proper insights. The feature supports the basic process of collecting emission data via sustainability journals or purchase documents, and recalculation of emissions to CO2 equivalent. You can either manually enter known data or use built-in methods for calculating emissions footprints; calculation using formulas are available for use only when using sustainability journals.


  • Setting up emission factors for different sources and categories of GHG emissions.
  • Recording emission data in sustainability journals, either manually or by using predefined calculation methods.
  • Recording emission data directly working with purchase documents.
  • Recording purchase of carbon credit using purchase documents.
  • Calculating internal carbon fee.
  • Recalculating emission of all gasses to CO2 equivalent using formulas.
  • Posting emission entries (and carbon credits) to the sustainability ledger, where you can view and analyze the emission data by various dimensions.
  • Setting up scorecards and goals and compare them with baseline and targeted values.
  • Generating sustainability reports that show your organization's GHG emissions performance.
  • Using financial reports for cross functional reporting.

Supported Editions:

Premium and Essential edition of Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries:

All countries supported by Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Languages:

All languages supported by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

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