Sapling Writing Assistant for Outlook

Autor: Sapling Intelligence, Inc.

(4 hodnocení)

Improve your email writing with spelling, grammar, and stylistic suggestions.

Sapling is an AI extension that makes grammar and style suggestions to help you write on-point messages.

It includes spell check, grammar checking and correction, as well as fluency and stylistic edits.


• Fix spelling/typos and use it as a grammar checker or to rephrase.

• Write fluent, mistake-free messages and emails.

• Quickly check and proofread your written communication.

• Maintain consistent tone within business teams.


• Sapling goes beyond spelling/punctuation and grammar correction.

• 60% more mistakes caught than other tools.

• Compare for yourself against tools like Grammarly (Grammerly), Ginger, LanguageTool, WhiteSmoke, and ProWritingAid.

• Secure data processing.

• Gets better with use.

English is supported by default; contact us for support for other languages.

Please send feedback to:

Sapling is free-to-use; premium paid features are also available with free trial.

Možnosti aplikace

Když použijete tuto aplikaci
  • Posílat data přes internet
  • Tato aplikace může přistupovat a upravovat osobní informace v aktivní zprávě, třeba text, předmět, odesílatele, příjemce a informace o přílohách. Může tato data posílat službě třetí strany. Ostatní položky ve vaší poštovní schránce se nedají přečíst ani upravit.

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