
Autor: CAS Software AG

Add-in for SmartWe

The SmartWe Outlook Add-in connects the CRM software with an e-mail client of your choice, thus improving the workflow of the environment you chose.

The Outlook Add-in ensures that you can access important address data from SmartWe.

To use the SmartWe Outlook Add-in you require a chargeable SmartWe license from SmartWe World AG. More information can be found here.

Benefits and advantages of the SmartWe Outlook Add-In:

- More efficiency and faster access.

- E-mails can be archived directly from your Microsoft Outlook mailbox. Additionally, you can also create a SmartWe data record directly from the Outlook Add-in, saving you time and increasing your productivity.

- Using the Send & Archive function you can archive e-mails directly while sending in SmartWe.

- The Add-In will show you if an e-mail has already been archived. An archived e-mail can be opened directly, further improving workflow.

- If there is a contact data record for the sender of the e-mail in SmartWe then you can open and view their contact data in SmartWe.

- The dossier also contains further information from SmartWe on the sender.

- You can also archive sent and received e-mails using the Outlook App for mobile devices.

Možnosti aplikace

Když použijete tuto aplikaci
  • Posílat data přes internet
  • Tato aplikace může číst nebo upravovat obsah libovolné položky ve vaší poštovní schránce a vytvářet nové položky. Může přistupovat k osobním informacím – například k textu, předmětu, odesílateli, příjemcům nebo přílohám – v jakékoli zprávě nebo položce kalendáře. Může tato data posílat službě třetí strany.

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