Custom Top Navigation
Autor: Armin Razic
The Custom Top Navigation is (Microsoft SharePoint SPfx - SharePoint Framework Application Customi
The Custom Top Navigation is (Microsoft SharePoint SPfx - SharePoint Framework Application Customizer) Solution that enables user to create top navigation across site collections.
No need for scripts or running the PowerShell scripts to deploy and set up app.
Everything is done thru UI.
- Friendly adding and removing menu items and sub-items thru UI.
- Mobile Responsive.
- 'Top Navigation List' that is used to store the links was deployed on your base site upon installation.
- Add and Update the Custom Action on your Site and apply CSS theming thru UI.
- Add icons to your Custom Top Navigation Sub-Menu items.
(Icons have to be saved in "Assets Library" in your base site.
Add and Remove Top Navigation Items thru friendly UI.
Checker to verify if selected site exist for a newly added top navigation item URL.
Site Group permission based view is feature where you can impose the user authorization against Custom Top Navigation.
Therefor Items in the Custom Top Navigation won't be rendered for users who do not have minimum access to specific site collection.
Caching data per session.
Sound effects - On click event
The .mp3 file is deployed to your assets library.
(You can switch .mp3 file in your style library with your own sound).
The top corner "Your Logo" .png image is deployed to your assets library.
(You can switch .mp3 file in your style library with your own sound).