WorkSchool 365

Autor: WorkSchool 365

Your Market for Learning Reviewers

Marketplace for peer reviews by paid learners qualified via quiz; open source Word templates with business-logic automation.

‟PROMPT: Something which inspires a response, especially a statement or series of questions designed to provoke creative or critical thought from a student.”

WorkSchool 365 is your education marketplace where the prompting authors pay to get peer reviews of their documents from any learning reviewers who pass the test quiz inside the prompting document, with shareable transcripts receipts of the school work.

WorkSchool 365 is free open source code Microsoft Teams app (Tabs with Single Sign-on SSO, Deep Links, and SharePoint embeddings) for unlimited users authenticated with only no-password email (via Microsoft Azure AD); with integration of many popular payments API for the marketplace currency. The CRM and LMS features within WorkSchool 365 also imply: ⇒ Your MBA for the Classroom, ⇒ Your Form for Event Registrations.

In legalese, «peers» need not be experts but could be learners who are tested, and «publications» need not be conclusive but could be writing prompt documents, and the «market» need not be susceptible under falsifications/intoxications but could use some immune direct transcripts-receipts currency. Benefits for learning reviewers: get qualified and paid to share your view. Benefits for prompting authors: get valued by learning reviewers who pass your qualifying quiz.

About the Publisher: has years of experience in academia, learning engineering, the peer review of already-computer-verified mathematics (Coq add-in for Word:, and is contributor in forums such as the Open Skills Network by WGU University and the WikiJournal of Science.

Setup Your Own Custom WorkSchool @ Microsoft AppSource

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  • Posílat data přes internet
  • Tato aplikace má přístup k osobním informacím v aktivní zprávě, jako jsou telefonní čísla, poštovní adresy nebo adresy URL. Aplikace může tato data posílat službě třetí strany. Ostatní položky ve vaší poštovní schránce se nedají přečíst ani upravit.

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