Autor: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Download data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Data (FRED).
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Data (FRED) Add-In is free software that will significantly reduce the amount of time you spend collecting and organizing macroeconomic data. The FRED Add-in provides free access to over 800,000 data series from various sources (e.g., BEA, BLS, Census, and OECD) directly through Microsoft Excel.
Key Features:
One-click instant download of economic time series
Quick and easy data frequency conversions and growth rate calculations
Instant refresh and update of spreadsheets with newly released data
NEW: Improved data return speed
NEW: Descriptors for frequency (eg, biweekly, ending Monday), aggregation method (eg, sum, average, end of period), and seasonal adjustment
NEW: Simplified selection of data frequency (eg, monthly, MONTHLY, M, or m)
Možnosti aplikace
- Číst a měnit váš dokument
- Posílat data přes internet