Barracuda Email Protection Add-in

Autor: Barracuda Networks, Inc.

Report suspicious messages and easily send encrypted emails.

Stay protected from phishing and spam with Barracuda Email Protection Outlook Add-in and seamless management of reported suspicious messages. Users can submit suspicious emails to Barracuda for analysis using integrated feedback form and use the same reporting button to report mock phishing attacks that are part of their security awareness training. This add-in also allows users to easily send encrypted emails with a touch of a button without relying on policy-based encryption.

Barracuda Email Protection Add-in Capabilities:

  • Report suspicious email messages
  • Provide feedback to Barracuda on reported messages
  • Select email messages for encryption
  • Set preferences and destination for spam and deleted messages

Security & Privacy : Barracuda Email Protection protects your files, emails and information with security you can trust

Barracuda Email Protection Add-in is compatible with Outlook on the following platforms:

  • Mac Classic and New UI
  • Web Browser
  • Windows M365

Outlook clients must support at minimum API requirement set 1.8. Simplified spam-reporting requires v1.14.

Možnosti aplikace

Když použijete tuto aplikaci
  • Posílat data přes internet
  • Tato aplikace může přistupovat a upravovat osobní informace v aktivní zprávě, třeba text, předmět, odesílatele, příjemce a informace o přílohách. Může tato data posílat službě třetí strany. Ostatní položky ve vaší poštovní schránce se nedají přečíst ani upravit.

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