Happyforce for Microsoft Teams

Autor: Happyforce

(444 hodnocení)

Listen to your people and make them thrive by transforming you organization through feedback.

Through continuous, anonymous and real-time measurement, Happyforce helps leaders and companies to retain talent, motivate their teams and boost engagement,

How do we do it?

• Automatically and continuously measuring the health of your team's work environment based on more than 20 cultural key indicators.

• Creating a safe place where your employees can leave anonymous and transparent feedback.

• Promoting a culture of recognition and enhancing your company's values.

And all from Microsoft Teams!

Not a Happyforce customer yet?

Please note that to use this app, you need a Happyforce account.

• Find more about the Happyforce Teams App at:

• Register for free and learn more about Happyforce at:

Možnosti aplikace

Když použijete tuto aplikaci
  • Posílat data přes internet
  • Tato aplikace má přístup k osobním informacím v aktivní zprávě, jako jsou telefonní čísla, poštovní adresy nebo adresy URL. Aplikace může tato data posílat službě třetí strany. Ostatní položky ve vaší poštovní schránce se nedají přečíst ani upravit.

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