3AG Systems – Income Statement with Variance

Autor: 3AG Systems

(1 hodnocení)
Stáhnout vzorekPokyny

Automatically calculates absolute and relative (%) variance then displays income statement

Income Statement with Absolute and Relative Variance takes income statement data and automatically calculates both the absolute variance and relative (%) variance in comparison to previous year data. The chart takes your income statement data and plot the both variances next to each of its components. The visualization is influenced by the International Business Communication Standards (IBCS) where colours red and green are used to flag the bad and good indicators respectively. This chart is useful to understand and spot the reason for the change in your income statement components in comparison to “Previous Year. Customization options include: inversing the colours for red and green; resizing the data label font sizes; hiding data labels; increasing or decreasing decimal places; adjusting value to thousands (K), millions (M), and billions (B); drilling-down hierarchical data; and more.

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