Visualize your events in a timeline view.
TheraTraQ Timeline Box chart represents a set of key events in a timeline view. The timeline axis shows years and quarters as ticks. The key events data are rendered as bubbles with a line that marks the timeline based on the date. If there are two events that are closer to each other, the visualization will create one bubble closer to the timeline axis and one little further so that it can show both data. The description of the event data will be rendered inside the bubble.It takes a dataset with columns such as Title, Description, Date, Event Type to render the visualization. It picks random colors for events.
The customization options are Description, Type, Date, Layout and Box Background.
Description: The value given in this option will be rendered as a description to the chart.
Type: This option used to specify the event types for the visual.
Date: This option used to specify the end event date for the visual.
Layout: TheraTraQ Timeline Box has a capablity of adding a header image to the top or bottom of the visualization. It takes two values header or footer. If the value is header the image will be added at the top of the chart and for footer it will be added at the bottom of the chart. If no value is provided, the chart will take the entire space for rendering.
Limitation: The chart will show a maximum of 100 events in the UI.
Restriction: The chart will show 1 year prior, current and 8 years in the future by default.
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