Spotify User Data Report
Autor: Havens Consulting Inc
Spotify User Data Support
Provides a detailed report built off the last twelve-months of your downloaded Spotify user data. Allowing for a detailed analysis of your streaming history, saved album information, and created playlist details. The report includes two pages of various visuals focused on your user data, plus hyperlinks to track, artist, and album info on Spotify.
To attach your downloaded user data in this template app. You'll need to upload the user data to a SharePoint documents folder. Information on how to do that can be found on our Instructions Page.
You can also purchase the downloadable PBIX file which gives you access to all historical data, the report, tabular data model, and back-end logic. This version will not require SharePoint access. Details on this and other Power BI reports and files can be found at our Files Store page.
Lastly, if there are any issues or concerns please feel free to contact us to discuss.