
Autor: BasisAI

Enterprise AI platform for responsible machine learning

Bedrock is a cloud-based enterprise AI platform. It is a platform-as-a-service that provides data-driven enterprises a path to productionising responsible machine learning (ML) products. Bedrock helps you achieve a faster time to market for real-time, massive scale AI engines. In-built governance enables transparency and accountability of AI in production; the foundation for responsible AI deployments within enterprises. 

Bedrock provides three layers of functionality around your ML workflows: 
1. Metrics and artefact logging: Track the AI model performance and complete ML lifecycle. 
2. Governance: Fine-grained permissions, digital audit trail, model monitoring, alerts and security-by-design. 
3. Infrastructure Orchestration: Automate your cloud infrastructure for ML workloads

Bedrock is for
  • Data scientists 
  • Machine learning engineers 
  • Data science leaders 
  • Anyone who is responsible for making sure that ML models are achieving the business objectives in the intended manner

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