Duck Creek Rating
Autor: Duck Creek Technologies
A flexible, low-code rating engine that enables carriers to design innovative, profitable products
Seize the Market with Modern Product Offerings
Duck Creek Rating is a flexible and comprehensive solution that enables carriers to launch new (and modify existing) products across all lines of business and develop rates easily and efficiently. With low-code tools for defining new products – from rates and rules to forms, UI, workflows, and underwriting rules – and the ability to easily incorporate myriad data sources, Duck Creek Rating can be used as standalone or with Duck Creek Policy.
Duck Creek’s unique inheritance model enables carriers to take existing product definitions and create new product versions using the previous version as a baseline. Whether you are looking to enter new regions or transform an existing product, our solution’s inheritance capabilities help reduce repetition and errors across products, enabling you to easily manage and consolidate all of your products under a single system.
Duck Creek Rating standardizes the product development lifecycle, from requirement definition to approvals, configuration, testing, and completion. Duck Creek’s low-code tools and modern architecture empower carriers to develop new products and maintain existing products through configuration, delivering single-point-of-change capabilities by reusing product definitions across both Duck Creek applications as well as non-Duck-Creek applications.
The ability to stress-test different rate changes or underwriting rules scenarios is crucial to determining what adjustments best fit your business goals. Rating’s “what-if” modeling lets you easily evaluate a rate change and underwriting rule impact on a book of business prior to moving any product update or change into production.