Velocity Learning United Nations Procurement

Autor: Jones Software Corp.

This Application is designed to provide online learning for United Nations Procurement

Empowering the Future: Revolutionizing STEAM Environments with Jones Software Corp. and Accenture under United Nations Procurement

Unleashing Innovation for United Nations Procurement and STEAM Education

Welcome to a new era of education, where innovation knows no bounds. Jones Software Corp. and Accenture proudly extend our transformative education solution to the United Nations Procurement, focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) environments.

Vision: Igniting the Power of STEAM Education

Our vision encompasses a world where STEAM education becomes a beacon of progress. Jones Software Corp., in collaboration with Accenture and Avanade, is committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology to empower learners within the United Nations Procurement ecosystem.

Setting a New Educational Paradigm:

Fueled by the Velocity Learning Management Ecosystem, honed by Jones Software Corp.'s expertise, and enhanced by Microsoft's innovations, this partnership marks the beginning of a transformative journey. The strategic brilliance of Accenture and the technical prowess of Avanade converge to amplify the impact of this visionary initiative.

Key Features:

✓ STEAM-Centric Solutions: Tailored educational offerings designed to cultivate creativity and proficiency in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

✓ Velocity Learning Excellence: A dynamic platform delivering immersive and engaging learning experiences.

✓ Innovation Collaboration: Microsoft, Accenture, and Avanade synergize expertise for a holistic educational transformation.

Crafting the Future Together:

Join us as we shape the future of STEAM education within the United Nations Procurement environment. This collaboration is more than a partnership; it's a commitment to nurturing the minds of tomorrow's innovators, problem solvers, and leaders.

Together, let's propel STEAM education to new heights, fostering a generation of learners who will redefine the world through innovation, collaboration, and excellence.

Jones Software Corp. - Accenture Collaboration: Illuminating the Pathway to STEAM Excellence in United Nations Procurement.

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