KFactory Core powered by Surface GO and Azure - 12 months subscription
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KFactory Core automates the data collection from the production lines and boost productivity.
KFactory Core is a platform dedicated to manufacturing companies and is automating data collection from the shopfloor. The platform can collect data from any kind of industrial equipment, whether it's old or new, of different types, made by different companies. By reading digital or analog inputs, Modbus, legacy files, OPC servers, or other types of connectivity, KFactory Core is collecting data in real-time and provide a view on the performance of the production lines.
By using a mobile app installed on a Microsoft Surface Go 3 tablet, we are able to collect and report all the data needed for operational managers.
KFactory Core si powered by Surface GO and Microsoft Azure with the following components:
- IoT components: IoTHub
- Databases: Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Cosmos DB
- Compute on Azure
- Web: App services and API Management services
The platform is offering a 360º view of the most important process: production, maintenance, quality, supply chain and the most important KPIs for managers:
- Real time Overall Equipment Effectiveness
- Over 100 existing statuses and with the possibility to add more
- Countless number of process states
- An infinite number of collected parameters
- Multiple KPIs used in manufacturing
With KFactory the managers in control 24/7 and can:
- Manage targets and make data-driven decisions
- Communicate actions, prioritize and empower your team
- Use instruments to visualize the process in real-time
- Control the process and its outputs in real time.
KFactory services includes:
- Initial assessment of the shop-floor - factory visit
- Connection of each industrial equipment in scope
- KFactory back-end platform configuration
- KFactory mobile application configuration and installation on Surface Go 3 tablets
- Go-Live and post go-live support services
- 30 days of monitoring services starting from go-live moment.
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