Autor: K.Skobeltsyn Studio
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Collaborative transportation system
Collaborative transportation system
Benefits for passengers:
— networking between passengers leaving the terminal at the same time
— transportation cost reduction
— active timeline that takes all transactions from inception to termination
Does Anyone Want to save money
on a Taxi?
Fareporter is a democratic sharing and trading platform for Taxi’s to and from the Airport. A personal networking opportunity that could change your life. Enabling transparent price discovery with logistical rationalization. Split trips with others, choose taxi cabs with best price available.
Benefits for taxi drivers:
— airport rides revenue increase
— returning empty problem solution
— rides offering based on preferred return area
Rychlý přehled
Ostatní aplikace z K.Skobeltsyn Studio
LegalSim.GamesK.Skobeltsyn StudioLegal workflow simulation games platform.
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TelauK.Skobeltsyn StudioTime and cost saving online cargo and special equipment transport trading and leasing platform
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