Autor: Next2Digital B.V.
Unlocking the potential of part time work in a social security context
This application is available only in Dutch.
In the last decades, the amount of part-time and temporary jobs has grown significantly. Meanwhile the pressure on welfare budgets of municipalities is increasing. Therefore, municipalities are forced to stimulate part-time work. However, part-time work causes various administrative difficulties.
What is Next2Flex?
Next2Flex enables secured and automated exchange of income information between employers and municipalities. Through timely delivery of income data, the owed additional allowance can be estimated more accurately, with less administrative burden and more reliability to the clients.
Why customers use Next2Flex
Economic & social impact
• >80% reduction of reclamations caused by errors
• >40% of the candidates found a full-time job after participating in Next2Flex
• >15% fewer signals of potential fraud, and less fraud cases in general
Security & privacy
- Safe and encrypted communication and collaboration in the Microsoft Azure Cloud
- Manage who sees what through granular rights and roles management.Scalability
- Easily scale up or down depending on your organizational needs
- Involve external companies and services through the Next2Flex API interface.Office productivity & mobility
- Possibility to connect with Microsoft Office 365 apps such as Microsoft Teams, Power BI, Excel, and many more
- Allow your employees to collaborate from wherever they want, based on your own policy restrictions.