Octopus GRC Performance & Monitoring

Autor: Octopus

Mitigate and monitor enterprise risk and compliance with the GRC Performance & Monitoring

The Octopus GRC Performance & Monitoring system enables the organization to create tasks, assessments, regulations, and inspections of all the important key performance indicators (KPIs) that need to be evaluated and measured, for monitoring the organization’s performance and enterprise risk level, making sure the organization reliably achieves its objectives. Performance is monitored in the field of security, information security, IT, HR, legal, finance, safety, governance-risk-compliance (GRC), standards and regulations, and other fields.

♦ Setup all the performance indicators and key elements which need to be monitored for your
♦ entire organization and divisions
♦ Map your organization’s business units’ hierarchy and decide on designated responsible employees for reporting tests and inspections into the system
♦ Managers from each division fill in periodic assessments, inspections, reports, and results
♦ The mobile app allows managers to view KPI results and fill in reports remotely from the field
♦ View all your organizational performance levels from one place for all the facilities
♦ Drill in each site to reveal the underlying tests and results
♦ Set risk thresholds for each monitored subject for which an escalation is triggered when performance drops below the risk threshold
♦ Gain insights into areas with poor performance and higher risk, compare between multiple sites and average performance
♦ Outstanding reported items are sent to “corrective actions” to be rectified and corrected by the responsible managers

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