Talk-a-Bot Cheq 1stline worker solution

Autor: Talk-A-Bot Ltd.

Developed for 1stline workers of large-scale organizations, to improve internal communication.

Cheq Blue allows organizational announcements and other news to be sent to the entire organization or part of it (shift, department, etc.) and workers can communicate in a structured way to the management (announcements, requests) and access self-service functions (policies, forms). Cheq Blue allows organizational announcements and other news to be sent to the entire organization or part of it (shift, department, etc.) and workers can communicate in a structured way to the management (announcements, requests) and access self-service functions (policies, forms). The software currently communicates in English, but the Polish andf German version is expected in Q1, 2019. The software runs in Azure, and developed using Microsoft Tools. Integration to Dynamics and Teams is currently under development.

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