MARMIND - Master Your Marketing
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MARMIND connects Campaigns, Budgets and Outcomes in one centralized plan
MARMIND connects Campaigns, Budgets and Outcomes in one centralized marketing plan.
Planning – with overview and cost transparency
Plan and manage all your cross-channel marketing including budget and media assets in one centralized plan.
- Planning cross-channel marketing campaigns
Connect your planning with results from socialmedia channels, as well as offline channels, such as events.
- Managebudget & costs – in coordination with the finance department
Compare your costs with your budget and automatically send role-specific reports by email.
- Integrate media assets into the plan
Create your media plan and track thepublication of all actions in a clear weekly view.
Coordination – teamwork with clear responsibilities
Implement your marketing activities within the team and across your business network.
- Project management in a team & with business partners
Theintuitive teamwork functionality lets you easily allocate tasks across theteam, company or even business network. - Coordinatemarketing centrally & manage locally
MARMIND gives youthe freedom to organize marketing to suit your needs and manage campaigns,costs and responsibilities individually. - Optimalcoordination between marketing & sales
MARMIND integrates and automates your marketing and sales workflows.
Monitoring – better investment decisions
Improve your marketing performance by investing in the most successful activities and channels.
- Setgoals & implement marketing strategy
Planyour marketing campaign with budgets, costs and goals. Identify your key KPIsand track results on a per-action basis and across all your marketing campaigns. - Evaluatethe performance and costs of your campaigns
MARMINDis integrated with the most popular social media apps and services. Togetherwith our partner, we also offer an extensive marketing connector library. - Knowwhat works & keep optimizing your investments
WithMARMIND you see which marketing activities work and which don’t. MARMINDdirectly compares results with costs. This supports your future decisions aboutwhich activities and channels to invest in.
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