
Autor: Shipamax Ltd

Automatically extract data from email attachments like bills of lading, invoices and others.

Shipamax saves logistics companies hours of admin each week by automatically extracting data from email attachments in real time. With Shipamax, you can automate data entry for everyday tasks like customs submissions, Transportation Management Sytem (TMS) updates, and account reconciliation — instead of keying in these updates manually.

First, Shipamax extracts key details from the attachments in your inbox: bills of lading, supplier invoices, packing lists, and more. From Outlook, you can review this data for each email and even make real-time edits before sending it through to your TMS. Don't need to make changes? You can enable straight through processing via Shipamax as well.

For full functionality you need a TMS, like CargoWise, BlueJay or your own system. To configure the Shipamax to TMS integration you need to get in touch with Shipamax and potentially your TMS consultant of choice.

Možnosti aplikace

Když použijete tuto aplikaci
  • Posílat data přes internet
  • Tato aplikace může číst nebo upravovat obsah libovolné položky ve vaší poštovní schránce a vytvářet nové položky. Může přistupovat k osobním informacím – například k textu, předmětu, odesílateli, příjemcům nebo přílohám – v jakékoli zprávě nebo položce kalendáře. Může tato data posílat službě třetí strany.

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