TeamsIn90: 9-Wk Implementation

Core BTS

Make the move to Microsoft Teams in 90 days or less!

From developing an implementation strategy to onboarding end users, Core BTS can help you accelerate your Microsoft Teams journey and bridge the gap between people, processes, and technology.

We are proud to carry a Microsoft Advanced Specialization in Adoption & Change Management as well as a Microsoft Advanced Specialization in Teamwork Deployment. Not only do these specializations demonstrate our knowledge of the Teams platform, but our ability to implement Microsoft-centric solutions in a way that creates incremental value.

Services include:

  • Assess environment to help develop roadmap and strategy for deployment of Microsoft Teams
  • Optimize Teams environment for maximum performance
  • Help users and admins with adoption and change management
  • Enable Secure and compliant communication

Note: Cost varies based on consulting scope of work, files, data size, etc. This is a consulting service.
